Leadership Mastery Network
Live Event Replays
What is Executive Presence? | Live Replay

What is Executive Presence? | Live Replay

“Executive presence is credibility that goes beyond a title.” -Tom Henschel

Executive presence is not about landing an extraordinary deal, or a measure of performance.  It is a measure of image and influences the decisions that give leaders access to opportunity. The greater and more significant the opportunity is, the more critical executive presence will be.

But what does it mean to have executive presence, and how can you learn it? On Clubhouse live this weekend as we kick off a new series defining executive presence and how you can leverage it to unlock opportunities in your career.

In this replay, we define executive presence, how it can be framed, and the 3 universal dimensions that will guide our series for the next 3 weeks.

Leadership Mastery Network
Live Event Replays
Every Saturday leaders of all levels, industries, and backgrounds get together to talk about leadership, including what they wish they knew, the best and worst advice they have heard or received, and how to navigate the challenges. These are hour longs chats and are guaranteed to inspire you, make you think, and sometimes even laugh.